


“What does it take to make a successful transition into real estate investing?”

That’s the question The Magic of Real Estate™ was written to answer. The market is crowded with books that claim to teach readers all there is to know about real estate investing and it can be hard for a would-be investor to figure out which books deliver real value. Search no more. The Magic of Real Estate™ is a strategy-packed handbook pulled from the real-life experiences of Toyin Dawodu, a California-based real estate investor who has bought and sold more than 400 properties without the help of a real estate agent.

The Magic of Real Estate™ is an easy-to-read handbook brimming with real-world examples that will teach beginners how to make a successful foray into real estate investing without losing money or wasting time. This little gem of a book is filled with actionable strategies, time-tested techniques, and valuable insights. Readers get step-by-step instructions on how to find, construct and close real estate deals. Plus a catalog of downloadable contracts, reports and forms to analyze and incorporate into your dealings as a real estate investor. This book is a MUST READ for looking to make real money in real estate.

“What does it take to make a successful transition into real estate investing?” It takes Magic.

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