How To Analyze Houses for Flipping
In this video, Toyin teaches students the difference between worth and value, how sellers can manipulate the value of a property in a particular neighborhood, and how to figure out how much you can and should pay for a property in order to meet your financial goals.

How to Buy Homes with Little Done
Let’s start our actionable strategies by learning how to think like a real estate entrepreneur. For most people, the idea of homeownership comes with a air of romance. After all, owning a home is a long-standing tradition in the U.S. The reality is real estate is a mult-trillion dollar business […]

Investor Psychology- How to Think Like a Real Estate Investor
Let’s start our actionable strategies by learning how to think like a real estate entrepreneur. For most people, the idea of home ownership comes with a air of romance. After all, owning a home is a long-standing tradition in the U.S. The reality is real estate is a mult-trillion dollar […]

Mobile Homes, parking Lots and Other Profitable Real Estate
In this training, you will learn…How you can use the internet to find homesHow you can do drive byes to find homesHow you can find the right home at a good priceand more…

The Value of Adding Value
What is wealthy living? Is it money? Fame? Having more than enough? Or is it the intangibles like contentment, appreciation, and adding value to others? In these first few weeks of the New Year, I am focusing a lot on how we define the core concepts and ideals by which we govern […]

Is It In You to Be a Great Leader?
A Clarion Call to History-Making Leadership In remembrance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., one of the greatest leaders and influencers this world has ever seen, I want to make a sort of come-one-come-all call for leaders. That means you. As we are days away from swearing in a new […]

You May Already Be a Success And Not Even Know It
What does it take to be a success? Better question: Are you successful? In this Digital Age where every one is on the record and we are living through a privacy / transparency revolution, I wonder if your self-perception has changed. I wonder if you’re missing out on the fact […]

Andre On… The Value of Our Real Estate Apprenticeship Program
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