
Real Estate vs FDIC Insurance: Which One is Really Safer?
Why the Rich Stash Their Money in Real Estate, Not Big Banks “The bank is the safest place for your money.” Oh really? I have two words for you: real estate. If you have your money stashed in a savings account earning .01% to 1% in interest, you’re going to lose money […]

10 Common Habits that Keep You Living Paycheck-to-Paycheck
With 7 out of every 10 Americans living paycheck to paycheck, we’re not generally surprised to hear about the millions of people currently living in – or pretty close to – poverty. It’s so normal that we applaud ourselves for working hard to make ends meet even though many of […]

Are You Scared Yet? The 411 on Managing Risk
No company and no investor is in business to lose money. When it comes to your money, a good rule of thumb is to get advice from the person who has more money than you. Your natural inclination is always going to be making sure you are managing risk. At the very […]