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Nissie is a hard-working mother of three small children. Her youngest baby is not even a year old yet. For Nissie, a traditional 9 to 5 really isn’t the best decision for her family unit. Not only would she end up spending hours away from her kids every day, but after forking over between $500 and $1,000 a month for childcare, her family would still struggle to make ends meet. For Neciia, having the ability to work from home affords her the chance to control her income without forfeiting the privilege of being with her children. Nissie is one of our Property Hunters. She scours the Internet for real estate while her baby girl is asleep and her sons are at school.
Tracey is a real estate agent and mother to two teens. For the past two decades, she has helped her father manage his real estate investment business. After speaking to me one-on-one for just an hour, she confessed that she learned more in sixty minutes with me than she did her entire first year being in the real estate business.
Growing up in Detroit where single-family dwellings are plentiful, SJ spent most of her adult years as a homeowner. With the exception of a few years here and there living in apartments between residential purchases, she was quite successful at finding owner-financed homes that she could buy and pay off in a year or two. But a real estate investor, she was not. That is, not until she and I had several sessions together. Within a week of my consultation, SJ – who is a work-at-home mom with kids in college, middle school and diapers – began compiling her list of leads and has already contacted the owners of the two empty condos in her building, prepared to make an offer.
To become a wealthy woman, you must first become an independent woman
What do all three of these women have in common? Well, after connecting with GIC Deal Finders, all three women have gone from being stuck in a rut to being provoked to action. They saw the opportunity, got some training, and went to work right away. Fueled by their own compelling reasons to aim higher and armed with strategies for reaching their goals, they can now build wealth as property hunters and real estate investors.
The first step toward acquiring wealth is to gain independence with your time and money. There is no such thing as a wealthy woman who does not have control of her own time. A woman may be well off. She may even be rich. But wealth includes the freedom afforded you when you can determine your own schedule and your own value.
I created the GIC program so that our Property Hunters have just that. As a Property Hunter, you are the first point of contact for distressed homeowners. We depend on you to search out vacant, abandoned or distressed properties in your area and connect us with the owners of these properties. When we close the deal you facilitated, you earn money.
How simple would it be for you to get the addresses of the properties you see every day on your way to work or when you pick up the kids in the afternoon? You can probably speak the addresses right into the voice recorders built into your phone and build your list of leads from there. If you are willing to invest a few hours of time, you can land consistent paydays within just a few hours. Find leads when the baby is asleep. Find them before or after your regular job and even – get this – on your way to work. We have team members who search for properties before their favorite television shows or while on the treadmill at the gym. It’s completely up to you!
Why Your Role as a Property Hunter is So Important (LOA)
LOA. That is, the law of averages.
Years ago, I worked in auto sales. When I first got into the car business, my objective was to learn the business fast. My mentor told me something that is very valuable to me, even today. He said to me, “Son, you should always know your closing ratio. Once you know your closing ratio, you then know how many leads you have to generate in order to sell a certain number of cars.”
That was a revelation for me and I use that principle even today. At the time, I determined my closing ratio to be about 20%. That meant if I generated five leads, I could expect to sell one car. My goal was to sell 20 cars, which meant I had to generate no fewer than 100 leads.
Once I realized the importance of leads, it was no longer about selling cars. It was all about generating leads. During most of my time in auto sales, I averaged 20-30 car sales per month. That same formula enabled me to buy and sell over 400 houses in the last 12 years. As far as I know, I was the only person who went straight from college with an MBA degree to selling new and used cars. But it was the best desertion of my life, because I learned so much about the human decision making.
So, the bottom line is, I came up with a very simple equation that I think you will appreciate.
Leads = Deals = Money in Your Pocket
The real estate business is all about leads. And you have an opportunity to generate leads in your free time for deals that we can close. The more quality leads you generate, the more deals we can close and the more money you earn.
Join GIC Deal Finders as a Property Hunter and take advantage of this opportunity to make money off real estate deals in your area.
Your family will thank you. I am sure you have questions or comments. Let’s talk about them below.